“As the prevalence of AMD escalates the devastating consequences of visual loss take their relentless toll on individuals, families and health economies. This epidemic continues to grow, oblivious to a plethora of research. A massive financial commitment (both University-based and pharmaceutical) has made no impact on the incidence of a disease that has resisted minor nutritional tinkering and seen no significant gain from our exponentially increased knowledge of genetics. In researching our frustrating lack of success in the search for a cause of AMD, Dr. Knobbe concludes that we have been looking in the wrong place.
From a meticulous examination of ophthalmic history, comparative epidemiology and dietary transitions across the globe, he constructs a cogent and compelling argument for defects in basic nutrition as the fundamental driver of AMD. The data are stark and the potential consequences of dietary deficiency are sobering. Dr. Knobbe’s rational conclusion that a shift from traditional foods can wreak havoc on macular function will come as no surprise to those who have postulated a similar cause for the multitude of chronic diseases now endemic in so-called developed nations.
His hypothesis is unlikely to be welcomed by those committed to pharmacological intervention. Furthermore, a radical change to the diet of billions will not happen quickly. However, for newly diagnosed patients looking for hope and clinicians struggling for an answer, Dr. Knobbe’s remarkable book offers the first tangible lifeline. To impact on the visual health of a nation we need a paradigm shift in the attitude of government and a radical rethink of the artificially constructed boundaries between nutrition and medicine. The visual health of many millions of people
worldwide over the coming decades may depend on whether or not Dr. Knobbe’s message is heard by those with both the political power and the financial commitment to take action.”
— Andrew J. Luff, MA, MB, FRCS, FRCS(Ophth), FRCOphth
Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon, United Kingdom
Fellow, Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
“Dr. Knobbe,
I heard your lecture at the Christian Ophthalmology Society meeting. I want to congratulate you on your research into your
discovery/hypothesis as I found it to be profound and surprising. It has potential to alleviate more preventable blindness than any multi-billion dollar anti-vegf [anti-vascular endothelial growth factor – injectable drug] industry.
I just wanted to encourage your efforts and hopefully this isn’t something that’s looked back on in a century as a missed opportunity.” *
— Jonathan P. Walgama, MD
General Ophthalmologist
Longview Ophthalmology Associates, Longview, Texas
“I have found Dr. Knobbe’s theory well researched and presented in his book. Although no one can accurately say exactly
what the incidence of AMD was in the early 1900’s, he presents a compelling argument, based in fact, that not only is AMD on therise and reaching epidemic proportions, but it’s coincident with the introduction of processed, nutrient deficient, foods. Perhaps most compelling is, after reading his book, I now find myself taking extra chair time to discuss dietary issues with my patients. I would say this is a must read for any eyecare provider, but particularly those practicing primary eyecare with the goal of preventing AMD.”*
— Micah W. Rothstein, M.D.
Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado
Could it Simply be “All About Diet”? When We Only See Trees While Missing the Forest
Testimonial by John R. Cripps, MD,
Assistant Professor Emeritus, Ophthalmology
“I hope that people who take time to submit a review would declare any conflicts of interest in similar fashion to scientists and physicians submitting articles to peer reviewed journals. I have no disclosures and proudly receive no funding from the pharmaceutical industry or any other special interest groups.
Like author Chris A. Knobbe, I spent 3 decades of my life caring for thousands of patients with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and a myriad of additional eye diseases. Prior to my retirement, as a busy solo practice ophthalmologist, I struggled to keep up with the huge demands on my time and expertise. Diabetes, obesity, hypertension, atherogenic dyslipidemias and declining health of my patients went hand in hand with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy. Despite the exceptional skills and management of my lovely wife, ophthalmic tech and manager, there never seemed enough hours in any day to inject sight saving anti-VEGF drugs or apply laser treatments as needed. I was so consumed with my need to do everything I could to save the vision of patients who entrusted their sight in me, I failed to ask the obvious question. Why were eye diseases, such as AMD, exploding in my practice? Perhaps I couldn’t see the forest for the trees? Why?
Trained in traditional allopathic medicine I was educated to identify an illness thereby allowing treatment by medication or surgery. Prevention of disease and nutrition courses were very limited where “limited” might be too generous a term. Physicians are schooled not to question their professors in white lab coats and accept what “these experts” are telling us. I humbly admit that I was a dutiful young physician who strongly supported the concepts I was taught without challenging them. My professors steered me to read only the journal articles and books that supported their own biases. I was landlocked in a world of cognitive bias attending conferences with thousands of other eye surgeons. I vividly recall eloquent speakers introducing new ideas, against the status quo, only to be lambasted by senior “leading experts” in a particular field. Some of these ideas evolved to become the standard of care in ophthalmology. Brave men and women persisted in a drive to improve eye care despite strong opposition — this is what science should look like.
Following my clinical career I was extremely fortunate to consult and work with an array of individuals far brighter than myself. This included scientists, statisticians, physicians, MBAs in healthcare and many others; both at Health Canada and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The privilege of being a federal public servant opened my eyes for which I will remain forever grateful. Reviewing new drugs, devices and investigating healthcare emergencies, among others, involved reviewing tens of thousands of pages of journal articles, reviewing submissions by large pharmaceutical companies and watching masterful public servants draft and implement policies to protect public health. It was during this time that I began to reclaim my scientific skepticism. Being a good skeptic is critical when reviewing scientific evidence while trying to keep an open mind to evidence disparate to your own views. Science by nature is meant to evolve constantly in order to advance medical care. Continuing to hold on to disproven theories, while attacking critics, simply leads to continued declining health of our population.
When I received Chris Knobbe’s book I started the first chapter and was instantly drawn in. I found myself ravenously engulfed in the excellent writing and was researching some of the references during my review of this outstanding book. Dr. Knobbe “opened my eyes” to the work of the Canadian born dentist, Weston A.Price, DDS. Following training and establishing a practice in the USA, Dr. Price published probably the best epidemiology book on nutrition; how changes in “traditional diets” with “displacing foods of modern commerce” lead to chronic modern diseases of “westernized countries”. This book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, is pictured in my review. Dr. Knobbe has taken the excellent work of Weston Price, delved into outstanding research on the history of macular degeneration and proposes a hypothesis that is scientifically robust and supported by studies difficult to dispute. “The ‘displacing foods of modern commerce’ are the primary and proximate cause of age-related macular degeneration”. And the corollary by Dr. Knobbe: Ancestral diets prevent AMD (and may reverse early AMD).
Excellent evidence is given to support avoiding the ‘displacing foods of modern commerce’ including: White Flour; Sugar; Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils; Trans Fats and Processed Foods.
I also received valuable knowledge on nutrition including the nutrient value of organ meats, pastured eggs, raw milk (from sources
reliably tested for Tuberculosis), fish roe (eggs) and cold-extracted extra virgin cod liver oil.
If only I had seen the forest for the trees. If I were still in clinical practice I would spend a significant amount of chair time educating patients about “ancestral diets” and the evidence behind macular degeneration and other “Westernized Diseases”, many of which are potentially reversible by changing our diet. Big Pharmaceutical and Big Food will never do clinical trials to look into the well documented science — profits are too valuable a commodity. If you read this book you may feel that your health is the most valuable
I truly believe that one day the majority of the ophthalmic community will support the conclusion of Dr. Knobbe’s brilliant work — ‘It is not Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), it is Diet-Related Macular Degeneration (DMD)’.”
John R. Cripps MD, FRCSC (Emeritus)
Assistant Professor Emeritus, Ophthalmology
Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM)
Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology
“Chris Knobbe literally opened my eyes. After practicing general ophthalmology for more than 20 years, he finally answered my question as to why AMD is occurring more and more, why it is taking more and more time to treat with expensive drugs, and why it is happening in younger people, needlessly destroying their lives. It’s all about Westernized, harmful, nutrient-deficient diets. It is caused by the same diets that are causing so much chronic metabolic and degenerative disease, which are spreading like wildfire all around the globe.
Now is the time in 2020 to prevent this devastating condition that leads to so much vision loss in our own patients, our families, and one day, even our own children.
So I strongly support Chris Knobbe, MD and CureAMD.org as well as the altruistic goals of this organization. This year I am working towards a Dutch translation of the essentials of Knobbe’s work to also benefit the Dutch language people.”
Jaap J. Dito MD, Ophthalmic Surgeon, Opsis Oogziekenhuis,
Amstelveen and Alkmaar, The Netherlands
“Dr. Chris Knobbe is a true hero. He has dedicated his life to preventing AMD (age-related macular degeneration), which is the number one cause of blindness. His hours of work, research, and dedication has demonstrated how patients can take steps to prevent and treat this terrible disease. I too am a student of Weston A. Price as well as a practicing Optometrist and I lecture on macular degeneration.
Dr. Knobbe’s work has helped me improve the lives of many patients. Dr. Knobbe’s recommendations of avoiding foods of modern commerce not only decreases blindness risk but also has helped my patients’ lose weight while improving their metabolic wellness.
Dr. Knobbe beautifully and simply explains how the American diet has dramatically changed from the 1800’s to today.
He teaches how chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and macular degeneration were almost nonexistent until modern commerce introduced polyunsaturated vegetable oils (PUFAs), trans fats, refined flour and increased sugar consumption, which now makes up over 60% of today’s modern American diet. I look forward to Chris’ future research so even more people can be helped.”*
— Kerry Gelb, OD (Optometrist)
Host of Documentary Film, “Open Your Eyes”
President, AllDocs
Director, Ocular Wellness & Nutrition Society
Lecturer & Speaker
“Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world.
According to the
all the data, there were about 4.5 million Americans with AMD in 1975, 15 million by 1994, and about 26 million affected in 2020, according to Dr. Knobbe’s group’s calcuations. White Americans continue to account for most cases. However, Hispanics will see the greatest rate of increase, with a nearly six-fold rise in the number of expected cases from 2010 to 2050.
As optometrists, we are taught that AMD is “age-related,” as well as being greatly driven by genetics, and that we should recommend vitamin supplements for the dry form of AMD. However, when we look at the efficacy of supplements, we must face the fact that the disease cannot be prevented by supplements, is not responding to supplementation and, in fact, many patients get worse while on “AREDS-formula” supplements.
Dr. Chris Knobbe’s research is shining a light on the fact that this disease might be related much more to diet than to age. He shows us that the root cause of AMD is processed foods, especially including the so-called ‘vegetable oils.’
If Dr. Knobbe is correct, and if we can influence our patients to eat an ancestral diet, we might be able to prevent blindness related to AMD (which should probably be re-named “diet related macular degeneration DMD” as Dr. Knobbe and research colleagues have claimed).
I am inspired by Dr. Knobbe’s dedication to preventing blindness caused by AMD.
I truly believe that his research will revolutionize how we view AMD and how we as practitioners treat the condition. I am honored to know Dr. Knobbe. I hope he will agree to speak at a future SNAPP meeting, and I sincerely hope the information from his research reaches the masses.”*
Lisa Hamilton, OD (Optometrist in Denver, CO)
President of the Society of National Associated Pearle Professionals (SNAPP).
“As an Optometrist, and busy studying nutrition, trying to make sense of this macular degeneration epidemic amongst our patients, I found this excellent research by Chris Knobbe, MD.
The research and results all make perfect sense and it has given me confidence to discuss this (easy to conform to) eating plan with my patients.
I am already seeing my patients improve their eye health awareness as well as their overall health.
The hypothesis, which is supported by researched facts, needs to be learnt by our modern world, to restore eye health, and in fact general health, to an increasingly sick world.
This book and published research is a must read for all health care practitioners, as well as anyone who is interested in proper nutrition.
Well done Dr. Chris Knobbe.”
John McMinn (Optometrist)
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
“Dr. Knobbe’s book, Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration, has changed my approach in consulting with AMD patients. As we do “ functional “ testing (Maculogix Adapt Dx) incorporating Dr. Knobbe’s convincing research showing how important diet is was crucial.
I not only share his book with my AMD patients but also with all of our patients to prevent them from becoming AMD patients. A MUST READ for every Eye Care Practitioner.
— Richard R. Rule, OD (Optometrist)
Rule Eye Care, Lansing, Michigan
“I am an optometrist in New Zealand with 30 years of clinical experience. I have extensive educational, clinical, and even hospital experience, including in Palestine, at St. Johns Ophthalmic Hospital, and Moorfields Eye Hospital, in London, England. Over these past 30 years of personal, clinical, and optometric experience, I have become more and more aware of the root cause of disease, which is so often overlooked. This is where the “real changes” occur, becauseeffective and life-changing outcomes are not only possible, but expected.
I have personally endured a difficult health situation myself, but by finding the root causes, I have successfully created
better energy for myself, with less brain fog and overall better function, both physically and mentally, using the very principles presented in Dr. Knobbe’s work.
I absolutely and highly recommend Cure AMD Foundation and its associated website, as well as Dr. Knobbe’s book, Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration, for anyone with a family history of AMD or the clinical signs of this disease.
Dr. Knobbe’s July, 2020 interview, on Mercola.com, is truly fantastic as an introduction to the most important concepts.
— Kate Hanifan, OD (Optometrist), New Zealand
“Dear Dr. Knobbe,
I want to congratulate you on the massive amount of work you have done in uncovering and substantiating the causative connection of AMD, and I sincerely wish you continued success and blessing in your work. Being in practice
now for over thirty years, I have spent a great deal of time in advising patients on the mainstream thinking of AMD management, but all along I’ve kept searching and questioning and doubting the status quo. I agree with you that we can conclude that ‘AMD’ must be a misnomer.. You are proving it. You can imagine how I felt when I stumbled upon your research and videos in past months, and subsequently began reading your book. Amazing, enlightening, and yet so simple. I’m totally on board, and extend my appreciation of you and your work.”*
—Ron Krebs, OD (Optometrist)
— Brantford, Ontario, Canada
“Dr. Knobbe’s thesis that macular degeneration is due to dietary causes is well-supported by his research. Drawing on theobservations of Dr. Weston A. Price, who studied traditional cultures living on unrefined and unprocessed foods, the author makes his point quite clearly: Our present-day diet is a major culprit in the proliferation of not only AMD, but most likely for many other degenerative diseases of civilization as well. Here is where so many current studies are woefully behind; the answers are right in front of us if we dare to look. Dr. Knobbe has done just that, and he deserves great credit for bringing this topic to the public with this very readable book.” *
— Ed Bennett, President, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
“In our opinion, Dr. Knobbe has uncovered an important connection between diet and age-related macular degeneration that
has the potential to prevent hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people from progressing to the advanced stages of this disease.”*
— Editorial Board, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
Price-Pottenger Journal of Health and Healing, Summer – 2017
Testimonial of Ben Edwards, MD
Founder and Medical Director
Veritas Medical
“It is rare for a medical doctor, or really any western-trained healthcare practitioner, to ask the deeper question of “why”. Why is the blood pressure high? Why is the blood sugar high? Why does the body’s own immune system “go rogue” and start attacking itself in autoimmune diseases? Why was the first (and only heart attack that year) reported in America in the medical literature in 1912 and now it is the leading cause of death with hundreds of thousands of cases a year? Why are millions going blind from age related macular degeneration when the disease was almost unheard of just a few generations ago?
Doctors are not trained to be critical thinkers asking these kind of questions anymore. Doctors are trained to diagnose and manage, not resolve. We are trained to follow protocols that consist of symptom management, pharmaceuticals, or surgeries. There is no deeper inquiry any longer. And, even if the PhD researchers are inquiring and researching, producing some answers to the “why’s,” the doctors on the front lines are not being informed of these findings.
It is even more rare to find a medical doctor who goes beyond asking those questions but truly starts seeking answers. And then, rarer yet, will you find a medical doctor so committed to the truth, to righteous morals, to the Hippocratic oath and to simply following the truth, taking his patients with him, wherever it may lead, as Dr. Chris Knobbe does. Even if where it leads is the polar opposite to what 99.9% of his colleagues believe and medical education is teaching!
Dr. Knobbe is truly one of these rare human beings and medical doctors. He asked the questions, sought out the truth, and did not blink when the truth turned out to be not popular with his peers. He is dedicated to researching and educating the lay person and healthcare practitioners alike on the root causes of modern disease, which is primarily modern food and specifically the nutrient depleted, pro-inflammatory, highly processed, “heart healthy vegetable oils” (which he clearly demonstrates are anything but) of the 20th century diet.
Congratulations Chris Knobbe, MD, on being a seeker of truth, on being a true physician, which the Latin root defines as teacher, and on your continued pursuit of true health and wellness, even when it is not found at the end of a pen on a prescription pad.”
— Ben Edwards, MD,
Founder and Medical Director of Veritas Medical
“As Founder and President of the Macular Degeneration Association, a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization, whose
purpose it is to educate and help prevent vision loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD), I read and studied Dr. Knobbe’s book, Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent & Treat Macular Degeneration. I must say, I was surprised – somewhat shocked – by his hypothesis and referenced supportive research. Dr. Knobbe has relied on the fact that AMD was once a rare disorder – in fact – it was rare just about 85 years ago, prior to 1930. Today, AMD has reached epidemic proportions – worldwide. Knobbe’s hypothesis – concludes that AMD develops because of the ingredients of processed food.
His research and book also lay out plausible biological mechanisms whereby processed food consumption, which is associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies and certain toxicities (e.g., from sugar and vegetable oils), ultimately causes this disease. In his book, Knobbe also provides a fundamental nutrition plan to reduce the risk of getting AMD and avoiding its progression.
For these reasons, I have invited Dr. Knobbe to be a speaker at each and every one of the Macular Degeneration Association’s patient education conferences in 13 cities across the U.S. I highly recommend his book to anyone who desires to prevent and/or treat this dreadful disease. Finally, we are finding that attendees at our conferences are generally impressed and convinced, that Dr. Knobbe’s hypothesis and research, just makes good sense. I am convinced that his message is of critical importance to all of us, but especially those who desire to preserve their precious gift of sight.”*
–– Larry Hoffheimer, JD
Founder & Chairman – Macular Degeneration Association
“It is fairly infrequent that I am asked to review a book for Price-Pottenger as I am simply too busy. A while back, Joan Grinzi, Executive Director of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, gave me the Review Copy of Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent & Treat Macular Degeneration, by ophthalmologist and author, Chris A. Knobbe, MD. She asked me to take a brief look at it and give my opinion of whether we should think of recommending it. It quickly captivated me so that it received WAY more than any brief glance.
AMD or age related macular degeneration is a misnamed eye condition, which is rapidly increasing in frequency in the U.S. I
say misnamed, due to the fact that it is not age related any more than cancer and heart disease are age related. There are millions of people at advanced ages who have none of these conditions. I would re-name it D&LMD for Diet and Lifestyle Related Macular Degeneration, to be more accurate.
As I read through Dr. Knobbe’s book, I was pleasantly surprised and then even astonished to find an MD Professor of Ophthalmology with both such an open mind as well as such a good grasp on nutrition and reality even when it directly contradicted his medical school training. Yes, this is likely the best book ever written on AMD, but saying that is doing it a disservice since this book should be read be everyone who cares about their current and future health or the health of their loved ones. Knobbe does such a grand job of exposing frauds and lies regarding diet and disease, that his book could just as easily be re-named Everything You Need to Know About Diet and By the Way It Will also Help Your Eyesight. This book has my highest recommendation for anyone interested in protecting their eyesight (and their health) as they get older.”*
— David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM (Naturopathic Physician)
Vice President, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (PPNF.org)
“I was introduced to Chris’s work at the Ancestral Health Conference in 2016. I was already well informed about the effects of
modern diet/lifestyle on many major chronic diseases such as diabetes, many cancers, cardiovascular events and dementia. As I listened, I realized that it was blindingly obvious (excuse the pun) that the retina was no different to any other complex vascular structure – of course, it would be adversely affected by the same factors identified in other chronic diseases. How, as a doctor myself, did I not realize this before?
But a hypothesis must be backed up by data. Chris presents a compelling review of data from 25 nations, showing that the incidence of AMD, very rare prior to 1930, has risen in parallel with the displacement of traditional diets by processed ‘Western foods.’ This mirrors the same data for other chronic diseases as mentioned above and is robustly backed up by known biochemical mechanisms beyond the scope of this review.
I am convinced on the basis of Chris’s evidence review – and saddened by traditional Western medicine’s delay in not making consideration of lifestyle factors an immediate first step in preventing and managing all chronic diseases, of which AMD is hugely important. Hopefully the tide is turning, and this work deserves to take credit for being a powerful force towards reducing the incidence of lives affected by AMD.”*
— Dr. Andrea Steinberg
Family Medicine Physician
Ellerslie Medical Center
Auckland, New Zealand
“I just finished reading Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent & Treat Macular Degeneration. Following extensive research, this
book is, without doubt, the most comprehensive and useful study on macular degeneration I have found. As a physician and author myself, may I commend you, Dr. Knobbe, on an excellent book, superbly researched and written. Congratulations!”*
— Dr. Felicity Dale, MD, MBBS, Family Physician
3 Year Update (December, 2019)…
“About three years ago I was diagnosed with macular degeneration. With a background as a physician, I immediately started to study all the available resources I could find. I was particularly interested in the impact of diet on the disease since the only hope the retinal specialist could give me was a series of vitamins.
Finally, I came across a video in which Chris Knobbe summarized his research into AMD. I immediately ordered his book which I have read cover to cover twice now. I implemented his advice and changed my diet accordingly. Since then, the only time my eye condition has deteriorated is when, due to extensive travel, I have been unable to stick with the diet.
I highly recommend this book. It is scientifically sound, well written, logical and easy to read and understand.”*
— Dr. Felicity Dale, MD, MBBS, Family Physician
“Hi Dr. Knobbe,
I refrained from contacting you with a status report on my vision until I was seen by my ophthalmologist for a six month follow-up. I saw her and an ophthalmology resident last week.
I am a Doctor of Audiology and you and I had exchanged a few emails when I was first diagnosed. We discussed the impact of diet on progression of hearing loss as well as on progression of AMD and subsequent research has confirmed that link as well.
This current ophthalmology visit was the first in which my vision was 20/20 with my eyeglasses. Always, in the past, my vision had deteriorated and my eyeglass prescription needed to be altered.
Here’s what happened. I didn’t go into the details [in a previous email] because I am unfamiliar with your profession. At the prior visit, my husband watched as I took the vision test. I couldn’t read ANY of the lines with my glasses on. He commented that he had better start doing all the driving and both of us were despondent.
The technician altered my relatively new prescription (new glasses were 6 months old). Then when I picked up the eyeglasses after the prescription was tweaked, the optician said that, really, “it was a minor change.”
When I arrived for my six month follow-up last week, the technician did the routine test, checking my vision with my glasses and she measured 20/20. She said, “Wow, your vision really popped—did you get a new prescription or something?”
I doubt that it was the slightly tweaked prescription, Chris. It was your diet.
I explained to both physicians that I was following your diet and I attributed my stable vision to adhering to your diet. They countered that the course of AMD ebbs and flows. Perhaps so, but I am so glad I saw your video, ordered your book, and followed its guidelines. I will continue to adhere to the diet and will be happy just to have my vision stabilized.
I can’t thank you enough. You are changing people’s lives by empowering them to take action.
Press on.”*
— Linda S. Remensnyder, AuD (Doctor of Audiology, ret.)
December 2019 — 3 Year Update
“The three ophthalmologists I consulted over the years since I was first diagnosed with AMD provided me a grid to monitor my own vision, discussed the need for sunglasses, and suggested the use of AREDS 2, but I hated feeling captive to a progressive condition over which I had no control.
It wasn’t until, out of fear and frustration, that I searched the internet for more proactive means of AMD management that I saw Dr. Knobbe’s YouTube [presentation, AHS – 2016, held at the University of Colorado Boulder] depicting his speech to nutritionists. I immediately ordered his book, read it cover to cover, and essentially memorized the last three chapters.
My vision has actually improved in regards to vision tests and is stable with regards to ophthalmology exams [for 3 years now].
Most of the retinal specialists I have seen have dismissed Dr. Knobbe’s findings despite the fact that he is a Professor Emeritus at a highly regarded Medical School and only the most recent retinal specialist acknowledged the truth of Dr. Knobbe’s long-espoused findings concerning AREDS 2.
The diet and methods that Dr. Knobbe suggested have made me healthier overall. I believe he is a frontrunner and the world needs to catch up. I myself, am indebted.”*
Linda S. Remensnyder, AuD (Doctor of Audiology, Ret.)
Comment from the Author: “Sometimes people reference the dietary recommendations that I’ve made,
and refer to them as ‘your diet,’ meaning the diet that I’ve recommended in the website and book. I take no credit for this diet as it is simply an ‘ancestral diet,’ which is really just an age-old diet – truly the diet of our great, great, great, great grandparents and all of their ancestors. Every last morsel of credit for the initial discovery of the extraordinary value in native, traditional, non-Westernized, non-processed food diets, belongs to the man I would refer to as the ‘Father of Nutrition,’ and that is Weston A. Price (1870 — 1948). I stand in awe of this late, great, extraordinary man, whose research can never be duplicated, and whose shoulders I proudly stand upon.”
— Chris A. Knobbe, MD
“I found your lecture on Saturday a major contrast to what patients are usually told by their Ophthalmologists/Retina Specialists. Few doctors were taught or take it upon themselves to study the connection between the illnesses they treat and the diets of their patients. Your comments are very “eye opening” to all of us. I hope that you continue to give lectures to as many organizations as you can fit into your schedule.
I think we all left ready to share your recommendations to our family and friends.” *
— Dr. Mary Ann Picardo, DO
“Dear Dr. Knobbe,
I had the opportunity to read your extraordinary book. I learned a lot more on vegetable oils than I had previously learned from the health-food related literature and from all doctors that promote unprocessed and organic foods. Your book, Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration, should be a required reading in all medical schools and be used by the FDA to provide critically needed dietary guidelines to prevent and treat AMD and other diseases.”*
Best Regards,
Gonzallo Castillo, PhD
Research Biologist
“I saw your talk on seed oils. You were amazing! I don’t think specialists can appreciate how much work you have done. Bravo. Piecing all that data and finding a coherent story is worthy of Sherlock Holmes. In 1998, my French Engineering students first asked me, “Why are Americans fat?” Since, we have had yearly case studies [documenting]. By the way, the French high animal fat diet of the 70s spawned the red wine paradox. My students and I have talked to, for example, Marion Nestle et al on sugar and never felt that sugar was the whole story. It was obvious that it was what you ate and not how you ate that was the problem. We did identify processed foods [as the problem] and your theory seems more comprehensive.”
— Professor Christopher Gerard Yukna
Retired, Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne
Saint Etienne, France
“I’ve worked in the Vitreo-retinal field for over 28 years, seeing literally hundreds of thousands of AMD patients. I’ve seen
theories and treatments come and go. I remember when the vitamin/supplements studies came out and how the market became saturated with “nutritional” products claiming to prevent AMD advancement. Yet here we are, decades later, and AMD is still on a rapid rise. Dr. Knobbe’s hypothesis is the ONLY prevention theory that backs up all statements with fact and is meticulously researched pure data, without any big-business sponsored influence. I can only imagine what the vitreo-retina clinical landscape would look like today if every ophthalmologist counseled their patients with Dr. Knobbe’s compelling research 3 decades ago. I think the most exciting part of this research is the message that it’s not too late to implement Dr. Knobbe’s nutritional lifestyle changes to help avoid the terrible diseases relating to aging under a “Westernized” diet, including macular degeneration.”*
— Mark Erickson, COT, CRA
(Certified Ophthalmic Technician, Certified Retinal Angiographer)
“Thank you so much Dr. Knobbe.
Have seen a video conference by you and went into a Keto Diet that I think you recommended in your interview or conference, don’t remember well. [Author clarification: Keto Diets reviewed, not necessarily recommended]
In my last visit to Bascom Palmer with Dr. Rosenfeld, for the first time, he found no fluid in my eyes from the wet macular degeneration I have been suffering for the last 10 years. On top of that, I lost 40 lbs. as a bonus. Hope next visit I will be blessed and not have to receive the eyes’ injection.
What a incredible interesting conference you gave in San Diego [Ancestral Health Symposium – 2019, held at the University of California, San Diego, July, 2019].
May God give you a long life so that you have ample time to keep your research and make your theory well known. I’m a Mechanical Engineer and as such am able to deduce what is sound, true and logical.
And yes, Because of you, I stopped the use of vegetable oils and only used avocado, coconut and extra virgin olive oil. IT WORKS! Not only for the AMD but also for the kidneys. Went from stage IV to stage III in only 2 month after I began to follow your recommendation about the sugar, refined flour and vegetable oils with exemption of the afore mentioned oils low in omega 6.
I’m a good subject because at being 81 years old and eating junk food for the last 70 years, my health was a total mess; you name it, I have it.
Part of the diet I haven’t mentioned to you is that after taking out most common carbohydrates, I also began the fasting method. Most of the time I would eat only once a day. Basically I eat mostly fish and lots of salads and veggies. You can’t imagine the amount of energy I have: lost 40 lbs, I’m able to walk a mile again, my diabetes is almost gone, the kidney filtration function went from 18 to 38, reduced my high tension [high blood pressure] where now the amount of medicine I use to control it is 1/4th what I used to take.
I can’t believe the transformation I had in such short time!
Merry Christmas dear Doctor, thanks a million for your investigation, you are dead on.”*
Best regards,
Marcos Avellan
Mechanical Engineer
Testimonial for Chris Knobbe, MD, by Jenn Whichello.
“Surely, in the light of history, it is more intelligent to hope rather than to fear, to try rather than not to try. For one thing we know beyond all doubt: Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says, ‘It can’t be done.’”
— Eleanor Roosevelt.
Hope is proffered abundantly in Dr. Chris Knobbe’s outstanding publication, Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration.
Having been diagnosed with mid-range AMD & informed by a rather dispassionate Ophthalmologist that there was little I could do to curb the inevitable fate of disintegration of my maculae (& therefore the eventual loss of my central vision) than to take a particular vitamin formula, give up smoking (never have smoked) & get on with life as best as possible. Gutting, eh! Perhaps this is not an uncommon experience.
Anyhow, imagine the reprieve & elation I felt when my brother referred me to Chris Knobbe’s YouTube lecture. I watched transfixed as Chris introduced his audience of health professionals to his decades long study into the link between the rise of AMD & myriad other degenerative diseases & the “displacing foods of modern commerce” viz – the highly processed diet that has taken hold of the Western world & tragically beyond.
I promptly purchased & read Chris’ eBook & cannot speak highly enough of this thoroughly researched work. Even though it is full of academic findings & education about the maculae & a complete history of the study thereof, Chris presents it all lovingly & respectfully in layman’s terms.
The material is fully referenced & footnoted. This is definitely not just another work of author’s dietary personal opinion. It is a work of text book quality & I find it to be quite the bible on how to achieve brimming health for the entire body & mind through your food choices. The latter information (the “how to”) is revealed in the final chapters complete with referrals to support texts by a stellar group of nutrition professionals & organisations. Finally, here is a “road map” to help defeat the inflammatory plague of degenerative disorders currently besieging the Western world. Thank you Chris Knobbe.
Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration deserves to be read & re-read again & again. A choice to stay on target towards achieving optimal well being by following the recommendations in this book of hope will not disappoint.
— Jenn Whichello, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
“One of the Most Important Books I Have Ever Read
One of the most important questions everyone asks, but rarely gets a clear answer to, is “What is the healthiest diet for humans?” I have followed a whole food plant-based diet for over two years, influenced by doctors like John McDougall, Neal Barnard, Joel Fuhrman and Prof. T. Colin Campbell. I found out at my own expense that this may not be the healthiest diet for someone with insulin resistance, which probably affects more than 80% of the population in most of the developed countries, namely the U.S.
This book is an excellent piece of information that allowed me to question my diet of choice and made me look for alternatives. Then, I also watched videos by Prof. Tim Noakes, from South africa, and other doctors like William Davis, Sten Ekberg, Paul Mason, Stephen Phinney, Eric Berg, Jason Fung, etc.
As a consequence, I have re-introduced meat, fish, eggs and dairy in my diet and I can say that I’m already feeling much healthier.
I cannot thank Dr. Knobbe enough for making it so clear for us which is the best diet, supporting his conclusions on evidence based science, without any conflict of interests.
Dr. Knobbe doesn’t earn anything from Cure AMD Foundation and he is only interested in saving the vision of as many people as possible.
Please make yourself and your loved ones a favor by reading this book and advising your family and friends to do the same, as I have already done. It will be useful not only for those with a higher risk of developing AMD but for everyone wishing to eat a healthier daily diet.”
Best Regards,
Antonia Aguiar
Invited Auxiliar Professor
Aircraft Performance — Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department
Technico Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
“Hi Chris: Your book has changed my life. I don’t remember exactly how I came across it, although my husband is an optometrist so I may have seen the title in some of his materials. I had been diagnosed with early AMD when I had my cataract surgery. I naturally went online, watched your presentation, bought the book, read the book, and followed the trail. Reading and watching the information about Weston Price, following up with Gary Taubes’ book about the processed foods that are ruining the health of massive numbers of people worldwide, etc., etc., etc.
So I’ve been off all processed foods and PUFAs [polyunsaturated fatty acids, i.e, seed oils] and now I’ve been eating a whole foods ketogenic diet for over 6 months.
I’ve lost some weight, but today I had a retinal photograph taken and it showed NO progression of the AMD in either eye since my last photograph which was a year ago. I wish it had shown some improvement, but staying the same since the degeneration is still in the early stages and I can still see 20/20 OU…all I can do is say THANK YOU. Without your courage to stand behind your beliefs and speak up in the face of opposition from colleagues, I would be without a path to follow in taking care of my eyesight and might be heading toward inevitable blindness.”*
— Sally Cays
“After getting a diagnosis of early-stage AMD, I got online in search of a natural, holistic path to control this condition. During this search, I found Dr. Chris Knobbe’s book, Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration.
I started the Ancestral way of eating immediately.
The date of my initial diagnosis was January 3, 2017. At that time, my vision in my right eye was 20/50, and in my left eye it was 20/40. My next visit with my eye doctor was March 29, 2017. At that time my vision in my right eye was 20/40 and the left eye was 20/25. September 29, 2017 was my most recent exam. On that date my vision in my right eye was 20/30 and in the left eye 20/20!
Thank you Dr. Chris Knobbe for your wonderful book. It has given me the right path to improved eye health.” *
(Update, April 9, 2017): Dr. Chris, I just got back from my 4th visit with [ophthalmologist] Ann Ranelle, DO and I’m happy to say that my vision improved again. It is now 20/25 and 20/20 (no glasses at any exam). She even said that she could see a small improvement in my macula! I told her about your book… so I decided to send her your book as a gift.”
— Katie Peterson
“I take great comfort from your presentation and your book. I hope the dietary changes will result in improvement for my AMD and others.
The conventional treatment has not been encouraging but rather directed at the eventual and inevitable severe loss of vision for AMD patients. As a therapist, it is very sad to see groups of people who have given up! My hope is that this book will open doors to more acceptance of new ideas and research around the world for AMD patients.”*
— Carol Cooper
“After reading Dr. Chris Knobbe’s insightful and scientifically based book “Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent & Treat Macular Degeneration,” I have been following his nutritional recommendations. Just saw my retinologist and vision left eye was 20/40 four months ago, now is 20/30, but the tech said almost 20/20! The right eye where the cataract was removed was 20/60, is now 20/50. Retina holding – no change. I have not been taking vitamins. Again, thank you Dr. Knobbe for this research.”*
— Kelly Gilbert, L.M.F.T.
“In late September (2017), I had the opportunity to be in attendance of a Macular Degeneration Association conference in Austin, Texas. I happen to be completely blind from an accident, however, I am always interested in learning more about healthy fuel for my body. I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Chris Knobbe present. He was sharing research findings and concepts conveyed in his book. While I have done a tremendous amount of nutritional research, I have only been able to assimilate puzzle pieces and never able to put the puzzle together until now.
Dr. Knobbe does a marvelous job of demonstrating how he can be scientific, analytical and down to Earth. He was able to put the puzzle together for me. While I am not concerned about poor nutrition causing me to lose my vision, I am very concerned about how poor nutrition can negatively impact my overall health, and the overall health of my loved ones, friends, and neighbors. Dr Knobbe’s work in written form is a great deal of data for your mind to digest. The data may motivate you to put a great deal more effort in what digestion takes place in your body. While I am happy and successful as a person that is blind, I would certainly invest that effort to eat exactly right, if I could regain my vision as a result. I plan to do the best I can to prevent other catastrophic conditions from compounding my situation. I sincerely hope that you will make the investment to achieve the same. Start here with reading data that has already been so incredibly and superbly compiled for you. I can testify that life isn’t over if you lose a portion or all of your vision, but I will say that it is worth avoiding, if at all possible.”*
— Bobby Lakey, VFO Sales Director, Central U.S.
“Dear Dr. Knobbe,
First, the presentation you gave at the MDA [Macular Degeneration Association] meeting was the most informative of the day.
Second, your book on the ancestral dietary strategy which expanded on that presentation was extremely clear and compelling.
Third, I am looking forward to your next book, Ancestral Diet Rx.” *
Very Truly Yours,
Anne Cain
“Good afternoon Chris….i just finished your amazing book and you have changed my life and my families….
It is going on 2 weeks and I have completely gotten off sugar, white flour, and all vegetable oils…
I have only been eating clean….it is very hard because we are very social — always going out, but there is nothing that will stop me from eating clean….Thank you for that — and I know I am going to reverse my [early] AMD…with the help from your book and God…
God Bless you Chris….please let me know when your new book comes out…
I will be first in line…”*
Yours Truly,
Marie D.
“Hello Dr. Knobbe,
I wanted to reach out and thank you again for my husband’s continued eye health. I’ve written a few times over the past few years. Two and a half years ago, my husband was diagnosed with AMD. His mother had it as does his older brother.
When he was diagnosed the doctor said he expected his macular go get worse by 10% every year and there was nothing he could do about it.
We read your book and heard your video. My husband immediately changed his diet. No sugar or flour or bad oils. We went totally organic, grass-fed meats, etc.
It’s been 2.5 years and his AMD is stable.
I’m convinced that if we weren’t following your plan he would be in horrible shape. A year ago we also adopted keto and use fasting too. That is mostly because my mother had Alzheimer’s disease and this seems to be a good plan for brain health.
The purpose of this letter is to let you know that we hear your message. We are grateful for your work. We thank you.”*
— Caroline Mcshane
“Hi Chris,
I just finished [your book] a few days ago and in a word it is simply outstanding. First, I think you should know that I have hard and soft drusen in both eyes and my right eye has distortion on the upper right quadrant of the Amsler grid. I’m 63 years old and so I have cause for concern which lead me to do research on YouTube and ultimately to you and your organization. My stepdad has the beginnings of AMD and as I mentioned in email below he and my mom are vegans. They also have your book however have not finished it since my stepdad just had a quadruple bypass surgery at 86 years old at University of Virginia Medical Center. He’s doing very well right now and will continue reading when he recovers. As vegans they are having a difficult time wrapping their heads around the information in your book. I did point out the importance of fat soluble vitamins and the need for K2 for depositing calcium in teeth and bones and not in coronary arteries. They are still trying to accept that information.
Your statistical evaluations on the increasing sugar and vegetable oil consumption and the increase in AMD leave little doubt the Westernized diet is certainly a major if not the sole cause of degenerating health and likewise the increased prevalence of AMD. After reading your book it almost seems so obvious that it’s shocking no one has come to this conclusion. Weston A. Price did contribute to ancestral dietary knowledge but your book documents additional scientific basis supporting his observations. I was very impressed with the number of references in the back of your book. I can’t imagine the effort you invested doing all the research for this project and at the same time maintaining an ophthalmology practice.
As a result of reading and studying your book I am restructuring my diet which requires some effort to find organic and properly farmed animal products. The link to RealMilk.com was helpful and I have sourced whole raw milk very close to where I live in Virginia. The local Walmart has a large selection of organic products. Finding organic organ meats locally is a challenge. Organic grains and produce are easy to find and I have been eating organic as much as possible even before reading your book. What I was not aware of was the effects of vegetable oils.
I want to thank you again for your effort and dedication to preventing and [treating] AMD.”*
David Carey
“Hello Chris,
Well … I read your tour de force book, Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration. I put it up there with icons like AEROBICS by Ken Cooper, which I read years ago and changed my life’s direction.
The layout of the book couldn’t have been better. Methodically researched to prove your points and chapters and sections that flowed sensibly from one to another. Particularly, liked the bolding, bullet points, diagrams, and bits of colorization. Overall … a very easy read.
As a layperson, I was blown away with the wonder of discovery of eye anatomy and your functional representation of the retina and macula. On duty 24/7 sucking up amazing amounts of bodily resources, resilient … yet prone to abuse if not fed proper nutrients.
To sum up, this is not just a book about treating AMD (which some people might pass by). This book had a profoundly deeper message for me. If followed, you get eye health, but you get so much more.
I’ve incorporated the ancestral diet … and gingerly moving my Japanese wife in that direction. With your book, I am making my case to her, and she seems to accept.
Thank you! for this wonderful book. I’ve already given it to several people. And looking forward to your interview next year with Dr. Mercola (which he mentioned in his newsletter today.)”*
— Daniel Hagerman
“Every once in a while there is a book on HEALTH, that is a standout because its time has come and is so simple and straightforward to understand. I have read books on health and longevity as a hobby and past time for about 15 years. I take notes on each of them and read and follow some of the footnotes. I follow the advice to vibrant and abundant health so I can try to drop dead very late in Act 3. I am 68 years and in near perfect health, having worked on it for 45 years solid.
One such amazing book is ‘Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration’ by Chris Knobbe, MD. The book has an astonishing “1307” FOOTNOTES that detail the academic hypothesis that diet is the issue for our long term health… or lack of it. The back story research is breathtaking. Each of the 22 chapters has a very concise summary, too. Very good!
But don’t let the title mislead you to think this book is only for people suffering from Macular Degeneration. I personally have no eye issues other than Rx reading glasses. This book is written for anyone wanting the most basic and straightforward facts on what a healthy and ‘ancestral diet’ looks like. This book covers the basics of the myriad of potentially negative food ingredients that have overtaken much of the world food consumption: vegetable oils, trans fats, white flour, white sugar, processed foods of high calorie and low nutrition etc, etc, and so forth. And all of the basic food ingredients are grown in dirt that is basically a toxic garbage dump. This is ‘A Life Time of Poor Diet’ (page 5).
All this leads to obesity, diabetes, cancer, and macular degeneration, to name a few. This is not new… but it is safe to say that by the next decade 50% of all Americans will be over weight and the catastrophic health cost associated will be eye-popping. Surprise medical bills will be the norm. Even today many people are going ‘bankrupt’ due to surprise medical bills and Congress has no idea how to fix this.
But ‘hope spring eternal in the human breast’ (from Alexander Pope – ‘Essay on Man’ 1734) because on page 185, Knobbe details… ’21 Dietary Rules to Prevent & Treat AMD.’
In conclusion, the very last line of the book sums it up perfectly. Dr Knobbe writes… ‘It is not Age-Related macular degeneration (AMD), it is Diet-Related Macular Degeneration (DMD)’ (page 187). And so it is.
Great book. If Dr Knobbe write another health book… I’ll buy it for sure.”*
— Tom Hackim, Orlando, FL
“Dear Chris,
I am so excited about the results I am already seeing in my vision — my night vision has already improved. A nice benefit is the increased energy level, and perhaps of utmost importance is the peace and assurance that I will keep my precious eyesight!
Everyone should read your book, Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration. The extraordinary amount of research and comparative analysis you have given with easy-to-understand studies, charts and graphs helps us appreciate how important diet is compared to how it was decades ago. Without such research, it would be impossible for the average person to understand how our diet has deteriorated, for example, with the use of such things as vegetable oils. It is no wonder that macular degeneration has become a serious growing problem as well as other degenerative diseases.
Applying the principles in the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, written by Weston A. Price, your focus on the specific vitamins needed helped me to modify my diet so as to better absorb what was lacking so I am now including more grass-fed butter, grass-fed organ meats, extra virgin cod liver oil, and foods rich in the key fat-soluble vitamins you recommend. Due to all of the toxins to which we are exposed in the air, our food, water and chemical products, we need to consume more healthy foods as a defense against this assault on our health.
An early AMD diagnosis was scary, but having read your book, I shall look forward to my next eye exam with positive anticipation rather than anxious trepidation.”*
— Irene Tsutsui
“I’m an ordinary person, nothing medical about me, but I bought this book as my Mum has the wet AMD and I wanted to find out all about it.
Even if you’ve no scientific knowledge the book is not as daunting as you’d think, and anyway if you have an interest in the subject matter just stick with it and it’ll sink in, believe me.
Usually if someone puts forward an idea or query’s something that’s been long held you’d ask “what do you base that on?” or “where’s your research to back that up?” or “show me the evidence” … well this is exactly what Dr. Chris Knobbe gives you in this highly informative, thorough and ultimately enlightening book.
The book is not as dry as you might think, it’s not without humour and it’s also a great read as regards the history of diet, in relation to the decline in our eye health and general health altogether.
Buy this book if you want to have a greater understanding of AMD and how you could possibly help somebody to prevent it.”*
— Mr. Owen West, Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
“Eat Real Food to Save Your Eyesight
Growing up in the 1930s and ’40s there wasn’t a lot of food sometimes but it was all fresh. Nobody we knew had a fridge. We lived in a small terraced house but kept chickens in the back yard and my Father had an allotment and nothing got sprayed [with herbicides/pesticides] and our food we bought was local. But today my grand-daughter tells me we were eating organic before it was fashionable and we didn’t know it.
But in the ’70s we got fooled and were told to be healthy you need to throw out the lard and butter and swap for vegetable oils and margarine — and eat cereals — not the bacon and eggs and everything had to be low fat.
The excellent book [Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration] traces the decline in our food quality and the increase of the terrible eye problem of age-related macular degeneration over the last century but you don’t have to be old to get it. There are younger people with it, according to the Doctor [ophthalmologist] where my wife, age 86, goes for her AMD eye injections. But, if you follow what the book suggests you could possibly avoid it altogether — so why not start by buying this book?
This book is what you’d call a labour of love [for Dr. Knobbe] and it’s fascinating. The Doctor has built his book on solid research and science. Well done to you Sir.”*
— Mr. Ray Owen, Age 91 (in February, 2020), Wirrel, England, United Kingdom
*Individual results, opinions, and visual outcomes will vary. Cure AMD Foundation makes no claims or guarantees regarding visual preservation, outcomes, or progression of disease. Though every possible precaution has been taken to make the best possible recommendations and advocacy regarding diet and use of supplements, use of this website, information, book, and any recommendations therein, are at the user’s own risk. Cure AMD Foundation assumes no liability for outcomes. We also encourage readers and patients with macular degeneration (AMD) to seek the advice of their eyecare provider.
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